Meet the Committees of the Humpback Whale World Congress

The success of the Humpback Whale World Congress is made possible by the dedication and efforts of two distinct committees. Each plays a vital role in ensuring the Congress achieves its mission of advancing marine conservation and fostering global collaboration.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committees of the Humpback Whale World Congress play a crucial role in the success of this international event. They bring together experts and professionals from diverse fields who are dedicated to the study and conservation of humpback whales and their habitats. Through their expertise and commitment, the Congress serves as a valuable platform for exchanging ideas, providing training opportunities, and developing sustainable solutions for marine ecosystem preservation.
Scientific committee (alphabetic order):
  • Prof. Olivier Adam

    Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

  • Dr. Cristiane Albuquerque

    Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park, Canada

  • Dr. Jaime Bolaños-Jiménez

    Caribbean-Wide Orca Project, Venezuela

  • Dr. Isabelle Charrier

    Institute of Neuroscience, France

  • Dr. Yann Doh

    Terre Mer Veille, France

  • Dr. Violaine Dulau

    Globice, La Réunion

  • Dr. Nadège Gandilhon

    NG Marine Studies Office, France

  • Dr. Claire Garrigue

    IRD, France

  • Dr. Erich Hoyt

    IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force, UKgoes here

  • Dr. Chloe Huetz

    Institute of Neuroscience, France

  • Jeff K Jacobsen

    VE Enterprises, McKinleyville, USA

  • Dr. Lindsey Jones

    College of the Atlantic, USA

  • Prof. Jean-Luc Jung

    French Museum of Natural History, France

  • Dr. Eduardo Mercado

    University at Buffalo, USA

  • Dr. Robert Michaud

    Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals, Canada

  • Dr. Benjamin de Montgolfier

    Aquasearch, Martinique

  • Dr. Lyne G. Morissette

    M - Expertise Marine & UQAR-ISMER, Canada

  • Dr. Christina Perazio

    University at Buffalo, USA

  • Dr. Maevatiana Ratsimbazafindranahaka

    Cetamada, Madagascar

  • Prof. Joy S. Reidenberg

    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, USA

  • Dr. Jooke Robins

    Center for Coastal Studies, Provincetown, MA, USA

  • Dr. Anjara Saloma

    Cetamada, Madagascar

  • Dr. Peter T. Stevick

    Allied Whales, College of the Atlantic, USA

  • Dr. Alison K. Stimpert

    Vertebrate Ecology Lab, at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Moss Landing, CA, USA